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Major milestones:


Decision making

Prototype 1

Professional review night


Market research

Problem definition

Prototype 2


Hydroponic Vegetable Farm

Project begins:

November, 2021

Screenshot 2022-05-31 11.00.00 PM.png

Decision making

The very begining

When I first began the class, we were tasked with deciding what we would do for the next 6 months. Myself and two others decided to undertake similar concepts, so we decided to team up and create Shelf Aquaponics.


Prototype 1

An experiment in Murphy's Law

Our first prototype was quite flawed. Origionally we were looking to use the design shown left. We realized that this was untenable, so we used the design on the right. The hooks shown left weren't modular enough, so we transitioned to vertical supports underneath the pipes.

Review night

A test of our marketing skills

In order to refine our project ideas and plan for the future, we sought expert opinions on our project. The reviewers were each given 15 Hunter dollars to invest in a project. I recieved  40 and my group totaled 70.

Stack of Books


A second look at logistics

At this point, we had a terrifyingly real understanding of the task that stood before us. We planned, researched, organized, and listed our plan for the next 3 months. Chemistry, regulations, code, and computers were all part of what we needed to understand.

Market research

Who will use Shelf Aquponics

The people who will use our project are largely residents of food deserts who can't reliably access nutritious food. They will use the system to supplement their diet. It will not serve as a sole source of food.

Problem definition

What problem does our project solve

The problem we defined was that many Americans lack reliable access to nutritious food. These aptly named food deserts are largely located in urban areas with few grocery stores. The people can find enough calories, but they don't have access to the nutrients they need to live a healthy life.


Prototype 2

When life gives you cilantro

We got the plants into the system about a week prior to the expo. The root systems were damaged so only new growth survived. Two weeks later the cilantro was a minimum of 4 inches tall and a maximum of 6 with large leaves. Our second prototype accomplished the goals of growing plants quickly, but we didn't get the fish into the system.



The point of it all

The expo went surprisingly well. Our system attracted many curious minds and we got interviewed by a couple of people. We won the first ever "gritty" award, which is the award given to the project that required the most variety in skill set to accomplish. 


What else is there to say, but good luck to whoever takes over where we left off?

Joseph Morphew food desert impact.png
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